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Recipe Booklet: Traditional Potter’s Recipes, Cooking in pottery of Soufflenheim

Recipe Booklet: Traditional Potter’s Recipes, Cooking in pottery of Soufflenheim

4,50 TTC

Discover in this book all the recipes you can make with pottery crafted from Soufflenheim clay.
The recipes are designed to be perfectly suited for preparation in these traditional pottery pieces. You will find 22 savory and 8 sweet recipes – perfect for delighting your guests with delicious dishes using your terrines and kouglof molds.

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Discover in this book, all the recipes to realize with the potteries made with the clay of Soufflenheim. The recipes have been thought to be able to be realized in the potteries. You will find 30 delicious recipes! Enough to delight your guests.

It is from the association of the Friedmann Pottery and the Hausswirth Pottery that this book was born. The Friedmann Pottery which is located in Soufflenheim is the oldest of the village. As for the Hausswirth Pottery, also located in Soufflenheim, it is an artisanal and family workshop that offers many models of pottery.

You will also find in this book information about Soufflenheim clay and how to use your pottery properly.


  • Traditional Stew « Nicole’s Baeckeoffe »
  • Alsatian Sourkraut « Sürkrüt »
  • Escalopes with Port
  • Beef Paupiettes
  • Veal Marengo
  • Munster Valley Pie
  • Roast Chicken (without fat)
  • 7-Hour Leg of Lamb
  • Oven-Baked Rabbit with cider
  • Herb-Crusted Leg of Lamb
  • Leg of Turkey with Thyme
  • Leg of Venison
  • Lamb Tajine with Prunes and Almonds
  • Œufs cocottes (Eggs in Pots)
  • Stuffed Tomatoes
  • Gratin dauphinois
  • Cheese Soufflé
  • Roast Beef
  • Sourkraut with three sorts of fish
  • Tuna or Salmon Terrine
  • Sautéed Scallops with Saffron
  • Smoked Salmon Faisselle
  • Kugelhopf (Bundt Cake)
  • Langhopf (Alsatian Brioche)
  • Apple Tart (Or Damson / Mirabelle Plum Tart)
  • Fromage blanc Tart
  • « Bettelmann » Mendiant
  • Cookie Dough for « Lammele » Easter Lambs
  • Crème brûlée
  • Crème caramel

Publisher : PROGEKA

Language : English

Number of pages : 35

Weight of the article : 200 g

Price : 4,50€

ISBN : 978-2-7466-7432-5

This book is ideal for finding Alsatian recipes. This Alsatian recipe booklet is available in French – Le livre les recettes des Potiers de Soufflenheim , German – Rezeptheft : Die Rezepte des Töpfers aus Soufflenheim and English.

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Poids 0,25 kg